Languishing Evaluation Describe your social justice commitments... * What is your current relationship with praxis in your social justice movement? Where do you experience ease, and where do you find growing edges? * What inspires you to do social justice work? Are there any notable sources of inspiration that you draw from? * How often do you find yourself blocked from your social justice work? Can you think of any immediate emotional responses that affect your work? * When you consider the scale of your social justice movement, what emotional responses arise for you? How do those emotional responses interact with your social justice praxis? * Emotional responses to considerations of scale block my effective engagement in social justice work * Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Consider yourself as an individual within a given social justice movement. How do you, as an individual, experience power working towards social justice? Does consideration of personal power bring up any emotional responses? * Emotional responses to considerations of personal power block my effective engagement in social justicve work. * Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Consider yourself as a member of a given social justice movement. How do you, as part of a movement, experience power? Does consideration of power in relation to systems of oppression bring up any emotional responses? * Emotional responses to considerations of collective power block my effective engagement in social justice work. * Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree When you consider your relationship with your social justice communities of interest, do you feel a sense of connection to your communities? Does that consideration bring up any emotional responses for you? * Emotional responses to considerations of community block my effective engagement in social justice work. * Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Consider the physical location of your social justice work. Do you experience a personal connection to that physical location? Do you feel a strong emotional response to working in a geographically-bound manner? * Emotional responses to considerations of physical place block my effective engagement in social justice work. * Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Consider the ultimate "goal" of your social justice work. Is there a finite ending to your praxis? What do you imagine that to look like? Does consideration of "the end" of your praxis generate any emotional responses? * Emotional responses to considerations of "the end" block my effective engagement in social justice work. * Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Consider your intersecting identities and social justice-foci: how do you balance multiple issues at once? Do you experience any emotional responses/difficulties when you have to attend to multiple issues at the same time? * Emotional responses to competeing priorities block my effective engagement in social justice work. * Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Do you consent to the use of your responses for user metrics? * Optional; if consent is given, responses will be aggregated and presented in an anonymous fashion No Yes Sign Up for our Mailing List! Want to keep in touch with The Languishing Project? Input your email to be added to our mailing list! Thank you!